

  • 請問為什麼封鎖我的帳號呢?--Msnhinet8 (トーク) 2024年5月17日 (金) 15:38 (JST)
I from taiwan.--Msnhinet8 (トーク) 2024年5月17日 (金) 15:39 (JST)
I think if you want to receive an answer, I recommend you writing the question in common languages on each wiki.
Your question is "Why is my account blocked?", correct? (Using Google Translate)
Assuming that the above translation is correct, I explain that why you are blocked.
First: Your sentence looked like an advertisement directing you to other site (wanted user on your wiki?). Advertisement is prohabited on this wiki.
Second: Writing unrelated texts on unrelated pages (include someone's user pages) is prohibited on this wiki.
Third: You posted the unrelated texts on page was where warning to user in progress. Posted could be seen as interfering with management activities is not recommanded on this wiki.
Based on all the above, I have concluded that you don't understand the rules of this site.
I think you don't understand page titles and cannot decide whether it is okay to write text on each pages still now. I warry if we unblock you, you will do the same thing again. --青龍 (トーク) 2024年5月18日 (土) 03:32 (JST)
しかし何もせずにブロックされてしまいました。--Msnhinet8 (トーク) 2024年5月18日 (土) 08:25 (JST)
this.--Msnhinet8 (トーク) 2024年5月18日 (土) 08:26 (JST)
もしそうなら、次回はやりませんので、よろしくお願いします。--Msnhinet8 (トーク) 2024年5月18日 (土) 08:29 (JST)
The post that caused you to be blocked is in the link below.[1]. You advertised announce your "kimetsu no yaiba" wiki wanted user on a completely unrelated wiki. Your ad posting is in violation of our terms and conditions and will be considered a spam account.
And... from what I see in your post above, you don't seem to know how to use mediawiki and those general rules. I think post on non-native language is very difficult than do it on your native languages. Clearly speaking, I think it is very difficult to work on a wiki in non-native languages unless you have sufficient experience writing on wiki in your own languages.
I don't fell the need to unblock you now, as it won't be too late to unblock you after you've gained some experience at your own languages wiki.
I don't understand what you would want to do on this wiki even if you ware unblocked now. --青龍 (トーク) 2024年5月18日 (土) 22:09 (JST)
そうです、現状維持をしましょう。 Thanks.--Msnhinet8 (トーク) 2024年5月18日 (土) 23:06 (JST)